Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

Elphyse team
Time resolved and multi-techniques characterization

The center is developing research in the fields of materials, nanophotonics, nanoelectronics, nano-bio-technologies and microsystems, as well as nanotechnologies. On these subjects, it deals with the fundamental and applied aspects.

The unit is structured into 4 scientific departments:

  1. Photonics
  2. Materials
  3. Nanoelectronics
  4. MicroSystems and Nanobiofluidic.

Its strong instrumentation activities make C2N a world-class actor in the development of new instruments for nanotechnology. With these instruments, nano-objects are realized, analyzed and measured with ultimate control and spatial-temporal resolutions.

Chemical and structural characterization by TEM/STEM Drilling of nanopores in dielectric membranes by transmission electron microscopy Surface treatment of membranes by Atomic layer deposition