X-ray Diffraction facility
The IMPMC's X-ray diffraction platform provides the equipment for :
- the determination of structures on single crystals and studies on powders (phase transitions for example) in specific conditions of temperature (80 - 500 K on single crystals, 80 - 1400 K on powders) or pressure (0 - 50 GPa);
- the study of poorly crystallised compounds or nanomaterials by analysis of the pair distribution function (PDF) on microquantities and from 100 to 500 K ;
- microdiffraction or micro-fluorescence X-ray studies (X-ray beam from 100 to 30 µm FWHM)
- powder beam diffraction studies on micro-quantities (< 1 mm3) under ambient conditions, or under controlled temperature and pressure conditions, with a maximum resolution of 0.08° FWHM in 2 theta.
Main technical features
• 2 X-ray Powder diffractometers X’Pert Pro
- Co, Cu, Mo anode
- Bragg Brentano or transmission (capillaries)
- 15 position automatic sample changer
- Measurements under controlled conditions
- Anoxic
- High temperature (—> 1400 K)
- Low temperature (80 —> 450 K)
• X-ray powder diffractometer Panalytical Empyrean
- Co, Cu, Mo, Ag anode
- Bragg Brentano or transmission (capillaries)
- WAXS (Q —> 22 -Å–1)
- 30 position automatic sample changer
- Measurements under controlled conditions
- Anoxic
- High temperature (—> 1400 K)
- Basse température (80 —> 450 K
• Diffractomètre 4-cercles Rigaku Xcalibur
- Anode Mo
- Monocristal / géométrie kappa
- WAXS (Q —> 16 -Å–1)
- Condiitions hautes pressions (CED)
- Basse température (80 K)
• Diffractomètre à anode tournante Mo
- Micro-faisceau (200 —> 35 µm)
- Fluorescence
- Monocristal / poudre
- Condiitions hautes pressions (CED)