Calls for proposals
Call for proposals - SESAME Filières PIA
The SESAME Filières call for proposals, launched jointly by the Region and the State, aims to strengthen the competitiveness of strategic sectors in Ile-de-France by allowing the use of shared research infrastructures, means of production or exchange of data and information, and a sharing of technological and market visions.
The following will be examined as a matter of priority:
- Technology platform projects open to SMEs / ETIs, allowing all actors in the same sector to access state-of-the-art equipment and training, test and improve their innovations, establish proofs of concept and produce prototypes on an industrial scale and promoting cross-fertilization;
- Integrated projects (including RDI) and the transformation and/or structuring of a sector and in connection with at least one public research institution and one SME/ETI.
The call for projects remains open until 5 March 2020.
More information at the following link.