Mechanical and Optical Properties of Drying Oil Films (ProMOH): In-Situ Approach
Post-doctoral allowance, AAP 2019
Team: LAMS - Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, LCMCP
Project leader: Laurence de Viguerie, Marco Faustini
The main objective of ProMOH is to study the formation and evolution of drying oil films, used in painting, from the point of view of their optical, mechanical and gas permeation properties. These oils (linseed, walnut and, more recently, poppy oil) act as film-forming constituents of paint: they ensure the cohesion of the film, its adhesion to the support, its stability (or degradation), hence the need to specify their properties and reactivity in order to understand their evolution.
We are studying the influence of: (1) the treatment of oils and in particular the addition of metallic cations (which increase their drying properties), and (2) environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, atmosphere), in order to specify the conditions of conservation and degradation of the pictorial layers. For this purpose, we use a "multi-technical" approach developed to study porous films, which is completely innovative for this type of painting system.
First of all, oils are treated according to ancient recipes by selecting the most common practices. The systems obtained, "oils + metal cations", are then characterized in the form of micronic films.
This post-doctorate, at the interface between RESPORE and MAP DIMs, allows the development of a methodology adapted to this type of films. The combination of the expertise of the three laboratories SIMM, LCMCP and LAMS makes it possible to tackle some of the scientific and technical issues raised by the study of this type of complex organic-inorganic hybrid systems.